Immortals After Dark #18
Author:Kresley Cole
Reading Level: Adult
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Released: 25th Janurary 2022
Review Source: Provided by author

Coming off torture at the hands of his warlock captors, Munro MacRieve never expected to find his mate, or to lose her just as abruptly. Driven to desperation, the ruthless warrior uses his enemies’ own powers to reunite with her—in the distant past.
When a crazed werewolf crashes her wedding, Kereny “Ren” Codrina does what any cunning huntress would do: she captures him. Yet she finds herself softening toward the wounded beast—until he turns the tables and forces her into an incomprehensible future.
As danger mounts, Munro will do anything to make her undying, even sell his soul to an evil sorceress. But first he must convince his fiery mate that she belongs with him. If seduction means her survival, Munro will use every weapon in his arsenal to possess her—forever.
Munro was so worth the wait. Kresley dragged me back into the world of the Lore and it was like I had never left. Without a doubt, I laughed, got teary eyed (yes, a few times) and finished the book with a feeling of contentment. Like every other IAD couple, Ren and Munro must overcome their own obstacles but I love how it always comes together in the end.
Munro picks up right up from the ending of MacRieve and it was full of surprises. Ren was not what I expected, especially not since she's from the past, but she was a brilliant character. She is fierce, loyal and knows how to wield a sword like the badass she is. As for Munro, I have loved him from way back when, when he was first mentioned in the series with his twin brother. While I love all of the species in IAD, the Lykae hold a special place in my heart.
The best part? Seeing everyone again. Of course Nix made her crazy appearances as did Lothaire and Ellie (those two are the best), as well as Kristoff and Desh. I love Desh. I will throw hands if he doesn't get his own book!
I received an e-ARC of Munro but also listened to the audiobook when it released. Robert Petkoff is a brilliant narrator and I found I got more emotional over things than I did when I read the book. I would love to divulge more information, but I vowed to keep this a spoiler free review. Lets just say there is a cuteness overload and when Munro holds the thingies after the thingy? Yeah. I LOVED that, and you will too when you read it!
Munro was an amazing addition to the series and I can't wait for more in the future!
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